
HVAC Repair Tips

heat pump repair

The heat pump is one of the most energy-efficient heating units that you can install in your home. When you take good care of it, it can not only last for a long time, but also save you a lot of money on energy bills. For you to keep it in good shape, you need to consider a number of tips. Here are some of these tips as given by heat pump repair service professionals:

Protect the heat pump from weather elements

Just like any other of your valuable appliances, you should protect your heat pump from any elements that might destroy it. This calls for you to keep your appliance away from ice, snow, and leaves that might prevent effective air flow.

For you to ensure that your unit is free of any of these materials, you should regularly inspect it. If you find the top, sides, or even the bottom in problems, get rid of the blocking materials.

One of the most effective ways of keeping your unit as far away from the damaging materials is to keep it elevated. Keep the heat pump elevated 4-8 inches above the ground. This will keep the coils clear or snow and ice, and the drainage working optimally.

Undertake regular cleanings

In addition to protecting your unit from the weather elements, you also should undertake regular cleanings. At least once a year, inspect the unit, and if dirty, clean it. When undertaking the cleaning, don’t use any sharp objects that can scratch the appliance or even cause any form of damage.

You can clean the appliance by yourself but for ideal results and avoid damaging the coils and other delicate parts, hire a professional to help you out.

One of the integral parts of the appliance that you should give attention to is the air filters. Due to their use, they tend to accumulate a lot of dust and dirt which prevent the unit from functioning as well as its supposed to.

In some cases, you might find the air filter too dirty for cleaning. In such a case, you should replace it. When replacing it, go for a high-quality unit that will not only last for a long time, but also give you a great service.

For you to ensure that the air filters are functioning optimally, make a habit of inspecting them at least once a month and if they have any issues, fix them.

Avoid using the Auto mode

Many homeowners are lazy and don’t want to keep on setting their heat pumps. Due to this, they set them to “Auto” as they want them to function on their own. This is wrong. While you won’t be bothered, setting your unit to “Auto” puts it at the risk of toggling unnecessarily between heating and cooling.

For you to keep the appliance in good working condition, you should set it to “HEAT” in winter and “COOL” in summer. This task will take just a few minutes if not seconds but it will ensure that your unit is running efficiently and safely for a long time.

Don’t use the lowest fan speed

Did you know that the heat pump works better when set to a higher fan speed? This calls for you to avoid setting your unit to a lower speed. While the high speeds will produce more ambient noise and air movement, it will be worth it as you will heat up your house optimally.

The unit will also function more efficiently; therefore, you will even end up saving a lot of money on home heating.

Let the unit work

Many new homeowners make the mistake of lowering and raising the thermostat settings of their appliances every day. This is wrong. When you keep on fussing with it, it tends to break down fast.

Heat pump repair Arlington VA professionals observe that the practice also makes the appliance function inefficiently; therefore, you end up spending a lot of money on home heating.

For the appliance to function efficiently for long you should let it work—don’t fuss with it. If you have to change the temperature to make it more comfortable, do it just once a week.