
HVAC Repair Tips

Just like any other heating appliance, the heat pump also develops a number of problems that you need to fix for it to continue functioning properly. Here are some of the most common heat pump issues as given by heat pump repair professionals and what you can do about them:

Icing up

During the cold months of the year, it’s common for the heat pump to be covered with a coating of frost on the sides. In some cases, the heat pump is covered with light ice. In most cases, the heat pump will go into defrost mode in order to remove the frost.

When there is a heavy coat of ice, the coils are encased in ice. In other cases, the entire heat pump is covered with a thick sheet of ice and snow. When you notice this, you have a reason to be worried. This is because the ice might be preventing the heat pump from transferring the heat as well as its supposed to between the refrigerant and the outside air.

Your heat pump will ice up due to many reasons such as: failure of the unit to defrost, problem with the outdoor fan, low refrigerant levels, and blockage of the outdoor unit. When you are having this problem you should start with removing the ice that might have built up in your unit.

When removing the ice, take care that you don’t damage the fan coils that are often extremely delicate.

Once you are done, you should remove the debris and snow that might be blocking the unit. If you have leaking gutters, inspect them and if they are leaking water, fix them.

Heat pump blowing cold in heat mode

When the heat pump is in heat mode, it’s supposed to be heating up the house; therefore, when it doesn’t heat up the house, it’s not working as well as its supposed to. When you are having this problem, the first thing you should do is to check whether it’s switched to A/C mode. You also should check the outdoor unit and ensure that it’s not iced over.

If everything is on point, you should check the system for valve problem, compressor issues, or refrigerant charge problems. It’s also possible that the heat pump hasn’t been properly serviced.

If you have the skills you should troubleshoot the unit, but if you have never done it before, let an experienced professional handle it.

Failure of the unit to produce enough heat

Some of the appliances will produce heat, but in most cases, the heat isn’t high enough to keep the house warm. This problem comes about when the heat pump is unable to extract enough heat from the cold outdoor environment.

You should hire a heating system professional to inspect the appliance and if it has issues, fix them. In some cases, you might need to install a supplemental heating system to help your unit. You can install a boiler, furnace, or oil burner system. Before you install the new appliance, have a word with your heat pump professional who will recommend the right unit for your home.

Constantly running heat pump

A properly functioning heat pump should stop working when the house is hot enough; therefore, when yours doesn’t stop, you need to analyze it. You should inspect the doors and windows and ensure that they are closed and well-insulated.

Check for air leaks around the door and window perimeters. If there is air movement, replace the weather-stripping. You also need to inspect the insulation levels, especially in the attic. If the insulation is poor, you need to reinsulate your home.

Tips to keep your heat pump working optimally

The key to avoiding the problems that come with the heat pump is to undertake regular inspections. You also should always call a reputable heat pump repair service McLean professional when you are having problems with your heat pump. Some of the most common issues with heat pumps include:

  • Failure of the thermostat to function properly
  • Failure of the outdoor unit to run
  • Problems with the refrigerant flow
  • Ice/frost remaining in the heat pump for long periods of time