
HVAC Repair Tips


It is commonly assumed that HVAC units are designed to either cool or warm homes during extreme weather conditions. While that is true, your HVAC units can help you increase your home’s value as well. There is a lot you can add to your existing HVAC system by consulting HVAC companies that will increase your house value. We will list down some important upgrades for you to consider.

Best HVAC Updates For Increasing Your Home Value

Incorporate Zoning

When it comes to purchasing and installing HVAC systems, homeowners often back their decisions with what they call the ‘Whole House Approach’. This simply means that the HVAC unit they will opt for will look after the entire house during extreme weather conditions. While the thought may be logical to some extent but not if the HVAC system itself is outdated.

During the fringe seasons, HVAC units will hardly offer any benefit. On top of that, the whole-house approach often leads to cold and hot spots especially if the system happens to be outdated.

To help rectify the issue, you will need to go for zoning. In simple terms, zoning refers to localized climate control. Incorporating zoning can help improve system efficiency by adding a supplementary small-scale cooling or heating source. For instance, you can add a ductless HVAC or a mini-split that will significantly help improve energy efficiency and air balancing.

Furthermore, these units when compared to their whole-house counterparts tend to take less time to install and maintain.

Install A Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats have significantly improved the heating and cooling game in homes and also commercial facilities. Modern smart thermostats are Wi-fi-enabled devices that come with several smart features allowing homeowners to control the temperature and other features of the HVAC unit with just a single tap.

This also gives the homeowners the flexibility to program heating and cooling for different times and days keeping everything remote.

Furthermore, smart thermostats are programmed in such a way that they can control humidity depending on the weather situation. For instance, if the thermostat detects high humidity, it will turn on the dehumidifier for better temperature consistency.

Moreover, smart thermostats also keep track of energy consumption and constantly try to achieve a balance of effectiveness and cost-saving to offer the best results.

Depending on the brand and model, smart thermostats can be expensive. However, if you consider it as an investment, it will prove be beneficial for you in the long run because it can increase the efficiency of your air conditioning system reducing energy bills.

Incorporate Humidity Control

Back in the day, homeowners had no concept of something like humidity control. With the introduction of better technologies over time, almost everyone is concerned about humidity and its effects nowadays.

This means that if you live in an old property or have an older HVAC unit, you will need to install a home humidifier. Not only does it make your house comfortable but also helps maintain your home’s interior as dry air can result in warping and cracking in wood elements.

Moreover, if the region or area where you live is prone to extreme humidity, you will need to install a dehumidifier. This will help prevent mold growth and illness. If you are not aware of what type of dehumidifier to buy, you should look at it over the internet or consult an expert.

Consider An Energy Recovery Ventilator

An energy recovery ventilator is an innovative air exchanger system that ensures a continuous fresh flow of air. This system plays an important role in ensuring a comfortable living environment especially when the doors and windows are shut. Generally, if the windows and doors are shut, especially if the heating system is engaged, it could result in congestion.

This is where ERV is meant to help the house introduce fresh air. The best thing about this system is that they do not impact heating or cooling costs. If you wish to increase the resale value of your house via installing an HVAC upgrade, you should consider opting for an ERV system as well.

Replace Outdated Units

If your house is a little old and the same goes for the HVAC unit itself, you will need to take a closer look to decide if you should replace it with a new one. Although, HVAC units can last several years before experiencing problems, but that is only possible if they are properly maintained.

So, if you have an outdated HVAC system or you observe visible damage or other issues like loud noises, less cooling, refrigerant leakage, and others, it means that you will need to replace the HVAC unit.

Even after installing a new HVAC unit, you have to take care of it to work at its highest potential. This means you should consider professional maintenance. It might seem like another expense to bear but most buyers will come back with a better negotiating price having observed that the HVAC system has been maintained well.

Upgrade The Insulation

What majority of the homeowners do not realize is that upgrading the insulation of the house can do wonders when it comes to maintaining the temperature and reducing energy costs.

If you have an old house, there might be some cracks, minor damage, or other issues that might cause cool air of the AC to escape from the house.  Because of this, the HVAC system has to work harder than usual, which not only increases the energy costs but also puts stress on the unit.

This is why it is equally important that you check the doors, windows, and other parts of your house to ensure there is no way out. With proper insulation in place, potential buyers will offer a better price considering you have already put in money and effort.

Upgrade The Ductwork

Ductwork plays the most important role in terms of introducing fresh air inside the house and removing stale air. With time, ducts can accumulate with layers of dirt and dust accompanied by rats and other intruders that can take up accommodation during the dormant season. Plus, the ductwork might also experience cracks, holes, and other similar issues.

This is why it is important to repair, upgrade, or replace the ductwork as needed. There is no point in investing in a new HVAC unit that has leaking or damaged ductwork.

Furthermore, you will also have to ensure the ductwork is maintained by a professional at least once a year whether the HVAC system is used or not. This helps identify any potential issues before you turn on the HVAC unit.

The last thing you would want is the ductwork needing attention just when you need the HVAC system the most. Therefore, look around for any potential signs & symptoms that might indicate something is unusually wrong. This will help you fix the issue before it gets worse.


Upgrading your HVAC system will surely add to your home’s resale value. We have listed tried and tested tips which will help ensure that you have the best HVAC system in place. However, you should always get advice from air conditioner repair services Fairfax before taking a step. The expert will inspect your HVAC system and suggest repairs, replacements, and upgrades.


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