
HVAC Repair Tips


Your furnace is one of the most important appliances in your house. During the winter season, it helps keep you and your family comfortable. Not only that, it also keeps the indoor air quality at safe levels by trapping contaminants and toxicants in the air. This is done by the air filters inside the furnace or the vents that become dirty or damaged over time and need replacement. You can replace the filters yourself or get help from HVAC repair services for it. We will explain how to choose an air filter for your furnace to avoid confusion.

What Are The Types Of Furnace Filters?

When choosing an air filter for your furnace, you need to be familiar with the different types of filters. Here they are:

Disposal Pleated Air Filters

Disposal pleated air filters tend to be the most common type as they are mostly found in residential units. These filters are made of paper and polyester which helps them effectively remove dust particles and allergens from the air.

The MERV rating of disposal pleated filters ranges between 7 to 9. That said, disposal pleated filters are excellent for people who have allergies and respiratory problems in the family.

When compared to fiberglass filters (mentioned below), disposal pleated filters tend to last a lot longer due to polyester being much denser than fiberglass. Moreover, they are better than disposal fiberglass filters in as they effectively trap smaller pollutants as well.

Disposal Fiberglass Filters

When it comes to affordability, disposal fiberglass filters tend to be a lot cheaper than disposal pleated filters. These filters tend to offer a much better airflow when compared to disposal pleated filters but are not able to trap smaller airborne particles and allergens.

Although these filters can trap larger dust and debris particles, they are not as effective as the disposal pleated filters in keeping smaller particles out.

That said, the MERV rating of these air filters ranges between 1 to 4. This makes these filters a good choice for those who do not suffer from allergies and respiratory issues. Plus, disposal fiberglass filters tend to be cheaper than disposal pleated filters and need to be regularly inspected and replaced than pleated filters.

Electrostatic Filters

As the term suggests, electrostatic filters carry an electrostatic charge. This charge acts like a magnet to trap dust particles. Due to this, the dust particles don’t stay in the air. The best thing about these filters is they most of these types of filters washable.

Washable electrostatic filters when compared to disposal filters tend to offer an efficient solution even though they are a lot more expensive because you can clean and reuse them. You would want to know how long you can use these filters before you need to replace them. Well you can use them for 5 to 6 years if you maintain them properly.

Electrostatic filters tend to have a MERV rating ranging between 4 to 10. This means, they are perfect for households that have pets, smokers, etc.

However, not all furnaces are compatible with such types of filters. Before purchasing these filters, you should consult the user manual and see if your furnace will support such types.

Moreover, electrostatic air filters are great for stopping smaller air pollutants but they are not as effective when it comes to larger particles like mold spores and large dust particles.

HEPA Filters

HEPA filters or High-Efficiency Particulate Air filters are the best air filters out there. These air filters are specifically designed to keep filtration in mind. These filters are made of a material that can trap even the smallest of particles.

But the downside to these filters is that they restrict airflow. This can put stress on your furnace or HVAC system and it will stay on longer than usual. Due to this, your monthly energy bills may rise.

However, the MERV rating of HEPA filters ranges between 17 to 20. Moreover, considering the dense nature of the filters, these are mostly suited to commercial buildings and hospitals. In households, you will usually find air purifiers and vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters.

If you do want to use a HEPA filter for your HVAC system, you should know that they are not readily available in appropriate sizes. You might need to consult the manufacturer of the furnace to see if they offer any.

Smart Air Filters

It won’t come as a surprise that the most advanced air filter type in the market happens to be smart filters. These filters use 3M technology and offer excellent filtration when compared to the rest of the furnace filters. The best thing about these filters is that they can be kept an eye on by using an app and Wi-Fi.

These filters can send you reminders when the filters are too dirty or it is time to clean or replace them. Plus, these filters also track the airflow and provide information regarding usage and outdoor air quality.

With time, smart filters have been able to cement their presence in the world of furnace filters. But still, many people tend to question its worth. While smart filters are not for everybody, they do offer convenience that is hard to beat. These filters are a perfect option for those who cannot keep count of air filter maintenance.

Since the filters are controlled by an app, you can feed it all the necessary information for it to inform you when you need to clean the filters. So, if you are someone who likes to introduce smart items into their house now and then, you should give these filters a try.

How Are Furnace Filters Measured?

By now, you must have heard the term MERV quite several times now. This is the industry standard for measuring the filtration capabilities of air filters. This scale ranges between 1 and 16. Some scales claim they can reach 20 but the majority of the scales have confirmed rating up to 16.

At the lower end of the scale, you have filters that are made from fiberglass or mesh and can trap fibers, and hair from clothes and carpets. As the rating tends to increase, the filters can capture the smallest of the particles due to improved filtration qualities. Around MERV 8, HVAC and furnace filters can capture pleated media and can capture mold spores, pollen, and other similar factors.

At MERV 13, you will be moving up to the commercial class as these types of filters can stop bacteria, smoke, and other microscopic particles. Because these filters are used for commercial applications, you might assume one size fits all. But that is not the case. Commercial filters may look the same from the outside but differ in terms of quality and the material they are made of. So, it is easy to end up buying the wrong replacement. To avoid that, you should always consult the user manual or consult an expert for the exact replacement.


When it comes to choosing furnace filter, you have to keep in mind that there are different types of filters with varying MERV ratings and features. So, you have to allocate some time in researching before choosing one. Replacing or cleaning a furnace filter regularly is a good practice. However, never ignore furnace maintenance that should be done by furnace services Falls Church yearly or bi-yearly depending on your usage and the type of furnace you have. This will ensure that your furnace doesn’t break down in the middle of a freezing winter night.


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