
HVAC Repair Tips

The heat pump works both as a heating and cooling unit. For it to last for a long time you need to regularly hire an HVAC company to tune it up. Even with the best maintenance, you will have to replace your unit at a certain point. To know when to replace the unit you need to be on the lookout for a number of signs.

Signs that it’s time to replace your heat pump

One of the major signs that it’s time to replace your unit is the increasing heating bills. If you haven’t installed a new appliance and your electricity bill is increasing, it’s time that you replace your current unit. Another sign is the frequent repairs. It’s common for the heating systems to require repairs every now and then but the repairs shouldn’t be too often. If you have the phone number of your local HVAC contractors on speed dial you should consider replacing your unit.

The age of your heating unit is also a sign that you need to replace it. Most heat pumps have a lifespan of 10-20 years. If your unit is more than 10 years you should consider replacing it. The efficiency of the unit is another major tip-off. If you find that some of the rooms are more comfortable than others, it means that the heat pump is struggling to do its job. Finally, the noises made by your unit should inform you when it’s time to replace it. If your unit is making a lot of noise, it’s heading to its deathbed and you should consider replacing it.

What to do when replacing your heat pump

When you feel that it’s time to replace your heat pump you shouldn’t just go ahead and buy a new unit—you should contact a reputable HVAC technician and ask him/her to inspect the unit and find out whether it’s ripe for replacement. If the technician recommends replacement, you should visit a number of stores and compare the prices and features of the heat pumps in stock. When making the purchase, pay close attention to the SEER rating. You should buy a unit with a high SEER rating as its energy efficient.


To lower your energy bills and ensure comfort in your home you should replace your heat pump at the right time. As rule of thumb ensure that you hire experienced heating contractors to replace your unit.