
HVAC Repair Tips

Heating Repair

If you have an AC in your home you need to take good care of it for it to continue working effectively for long and also last for a long time. To help you out here is an air conditioning maintenance guide on the things that you can do to your unit to give it the service that it deserves:

Seal the AC’s ductwork

If your unit has ducts running through the attic or on the ceiling, you should take a look at the seals and ensure that they are airtight. Studies by AC professionals show that leaky ducts result to loss of up to 20% of air thus resulting to you spending more money on cooling the house. For ideal results, use metal tape or mastic sealant to seal the ducts. In addition to ducts also seal the connections where the registers and vents meet the walls, ceiling, and floor.

There are some homeowners that use duct tape to seal the ducts. While the tape might give ideal results at the start, it doesn’t last for long thus you are forced to reseal the ducts again. If you can’t seal the units by yourself hire an experienced AC repair professional to do it for you.

Keep the AC clear of debris

If you have placed your unit on the outside of your home, it’s common for plants, shrubs and other materials to grow around it. While the materials might protect the unit from thieves and direct sunlight, they prevent effective air circulation. They also make the unit dirty thus it runs on high energy. You should trim the vegetation growing around your unit. The energy department recommends that you leave a 2-feet distance around the unit.

In addition to this, you should also gently vacuum the exterior grill of the condenser taking care that you don’t bend the fins. The aim of this is to get rid of any plants, debris, and animals that might have got into the unit and took up residence.

Cover your AC when not in use

It’s rare that you will be using your unit during winter. If you won’t be using the unit you should cover it with an approved cover that protects it from damage but allows it to breathe. To protect your unit from rust and corrosion ensure that the cover you use is waterproof.


These are tips on how to properly take care of your air conditioner. To be certain that your unit is in top performing shape hire HVAC contractors at least once a year to inspect and fix any problems that it might be having.