
HVAC Repair Tips

It’s your responsibility as a homeowner to maintain your air conditioner. According to air conditioning repair professionals, there are plenty of questions you need to ask yourself for you to keep the unit in top shape. Some of these questions include:

Is the air conditioner the right size?

You need to ask yourself about the size of the air conditioner that you are looking to install in your home. Is it large enough? Is it too small? If you have bought air conditioners before, you might be aware that air conditioners come in different sizes and designs that are ideal for different applications.

When you install a unit that is too large, you end up spending too much on energy as the unit tends to consume too much energy. On the other hand, if you install a unit that is too small, you don’t cool the house as well as you are supposed to. The small air conditioner also tends to overwork as you tend to force it to work harder than it should.

If you aren’t sure of the right size of air conditioner that you should go for, you should ask a professional to help you out. The professional will guide you on choosing the right unit that not only properly fits your home, but also gives you the best experience.

Is the unit positioned correctly?

Where you place the air conditioner has a great impact on the working of the unit. When you place it in direct sunlight, you make the unit work harder in order to cool the house.

For the air conditioner to function optimally, you should place it in a shaded area.

When it comes to the indoor thermostat, you should place it away from heat sources such as windows, bulbs, and other heat sources.

Do you leave the air conditioner working all the time?

Did you know how often you leave the air conditioner working greatly affects the working of the unit? The longer you leave it working, the more the energy it consumes. For you to cut on the amount of energy it consumes, you should consider turning down the unit when you aren’t using it.

For example, during the day when you aren’t in the house, you should turn down the unit by a few degrees and you will save a lot of energy.

For you to have an easy time controlling the unit, you should consider installing a programmable thermostat. Using the thermostat you won’t have to keep on adjusting the temperature every day. The thermostat allows you to set and forget it.

You should program the thermostat to turn off the air conditioner when you are away from home, and turn it on a few minutes before you return.

The cool thing is that you can even adjust the temperature from your phone. Most of the modern thermostats come with an app that makes it easy for you to integrate the thermostat with the phone.

Do you change the air filters regularly enough?

If you have been having air conditioners for a long time, you might be aware that air filter replacement is one of the most important practices you can do. Dirty air filters create poor indoor air quality which not only makes the unit work harder than it should, it also leads to health problems.

You need to replace the air filters at least once a month for you to keep the unit working optimally. The cool thing is that you don’t need to hire an expert to help you with it. You only need to open the air conditioner at the back and you will be good to go.

If the air filter is simply dirty, you only need to clean it. If it’s too dirty or damaged, you don’t have any other way out other than to replace it. When buying a new air filter ensure that the filter is of high quality and has a high energy rating.

Do you schedule annual air conditioning service?

In addition to cleaning the air filters, you also need to undertake annual air conditioner inspection. Here you should hire an air conditioner repair services McLean provider at least once a year to inspect the unit and if it has any issues, fix them.