
HVAC Repair Tips

energy efficiency air conditioning

For your house to be comfortable during summer the AC should be running. With the tough economic times it’s the aim of every homeowner to spend as little money on home cooling as possible. To help you out, here are tips on how to have energy efficient air conditioning:

Regularly change the AC air filters

Just like in other units, air filters trap dust and dirt and prevent it from getting inside the air conditioner. While the units are beneficial to your air conditioner, they can be problematic when they accumulate plenty of dirt. When dirt and dust accumulates in the air filters the air conditioner doesn’t get enough fresh air. This results to the air conditioner overworking which translates to high power bills.

For the AC to function efficiently it’s recommended that you clean and replace the air filters once a month. The cool thing is that they are easy to replace and you can easily get them from your local store. When making the purchase, know the right size of filters for your AC. When changing the filters also take a look at the fan motor and wheel assembly and get rid of any dust that might have build up.

Schedule regular AC check-up

Studies show that air conditioners develop problems due to lack of maintenance. Regularly hire experienced and certified AC contractors to inspect and repair the AC before it develops major problems. The professionals should check on the electric system, cooling system and any other areas that might require attention.

By hiring a contractor you not only ensure that the AC functions efficiently, you also ensure that the appliance doesn’t develop problems that require specialized contractors that are usually more expensive. To be on the safe side, make a habit of hiring contractors at least once a year.

Raise the AC thermostat

Did you know that for every degree you raise on your thermostat you save 2-3% of your electric bill? Most homeowners keep their thermostats at 72 degrees Fahrenheit. While the setting makes the room comfortable, you can save your energy bills by raising the temperature to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. By doing so you save up to 18% of your electric bill. This practice has also been shown to reduce wear and tear of the AC as it runs less.


These are tips on how to keep your AC working efficiently. When your unit develops problems have it fixed by experienced HVAC contractors.