
HVAC Repair Tips


Although most modern furnaces are built to high safety standards, there is a risk they will explode if you don’t take good care of them. If you are one of the people asking, can my furnace explode? Yes, your furnace can explode. To ensure you aren’t caught unaware, here are signs your furnace is going to explode as given by furnace repair services providers:

You can smell fuel

Have you started having unexplained and sudden fuel smells in your house? Your gas furnace might be leaking which is extremely dangerous. When you smell fuel, you shouldn’t try to inspect the furnace. Instead, immediately go outside the house and contact a furnace technician to come to your house and find out what is wrong.

Remember, even a simple act as flipping on a switch or opening an electric appliance can trigger an explosion so you shouldn’t do any of this.

Your carbon monoxide sensor has gone off

For furnaces to generate heat, they have to burn fuel that in turn releases carbon monoxide. In a properly working furnace, the deadly, odorless gas harmlessly vents out of the house but if you have a poorly maintained appliance, this gas will escape into the house.

When your carbon monoxide sensor goes off, it means your heating appliance is leaking and it might also be leaking explosive gases. Like in the case above, contact a gas company, furnace repair professional, or the fire department to come and inspect the source of leakage.

You are experiencing excessive heat

The reason you have put on the furnace is because you want to heat up the house but if you experience a lot of heat, you have a reason to worry. First check whether you have set your appliance correctly.

If the settings are normal, switch off the appliance as it’s a matter of time before your appliance explodes. After switching off your furnace, contact an experienced professional and ask them to visit your home and inspect your unit.

How can you prevent your furnace from exploding?

As mentioned above, in most cases, appliances that explode are those that are poorly maintained so to prevent your appliance from exploding, you should take good care of it. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to do it:

Shut it down in summer

In summer and other seasons when you don’t need heating, disable the furnace to prevent anything from going wrong when not in use. Shutting down the system is easy but if you are having problems, consult the user’s manual. If still you are having problems, contact a furnace technician to help you out.

Regularly inspect the appliance

Like your other home appliances, you should regularly inspect your furnace. It’s during the inspection when you will identify issues with your unit and fix them. You can undertake the inspection by yourself but for best results, let an expert furnace technician handle it.

Replace the air filters

Every air conditioner has an air filter that regulates the amount and quality of air getting into the house. Dirty air filters lead to reduced efficiency, high energy consumption, among many other problems. At least once every three months, open up your appliance and check the condition of the air filter.

If dirty, clean it. If too dirty or worn out, replace it.

Be on the lookout for oil leaks

Do you have an oil-fueled furnace? Then you have a tank to deliver oil on site. If oil spills during delivery or due to cracks, you put your appliance at the risk of malfunctioning or even exploding. To prevent this, from time to time, inspect the oil tank for any signs of leakage.

If you notice a leakage, confirm where it’s coming from and fix it.

Tune up your appliance

For peace of mind your appliance is at top working condition, make it a habit to hire heating service repair McLean professionals at least once a year to tune up your appliance. These technicians give a microscopic look at every nook of your unit and fix even the minutest issue before it becomes a major problem.

To get the best service, ensure you work with experienced and certified professionals.