
HVAC Repair Tips

Heating Repair

The winter season has already kicked in initiating and getting the furnace on. We hope that you got your furnaces checked on time before getting them on at full force. Still, the pressure that is suddenly put on these systems could at times lead to problems while utilizing them. These problems could be caught early on and repair guy requested to check. Even a small problem could lead to big repairs if not rectified early on. That is why, most of the lease agreements would also contain not to use a damaged or bad unit, as it could lead to bigger problem. In this article we are going to discuss some noises that you can help you identify the problem with the unit.

Grinding Sound

The distribution of warm air is managed by an air distributor that takes air from the furnace and then distributes it to ducts. If the distributor bearings are worn out then it would make a grinding sound. During service, the tech would lubricate these bearings and clean them if necessary so that friction is less. But if these bearings are worn out, then eventually it would make the noise. It would be better to get the bearings replaced; else you might need to get the air distributor replaced.

Boom Sound

While starting the furnace, if the furnace produces a booming sound, then that means you need to get the burners cleaned. This would only happen if the furnace is gas. If the burners are dirty, then they don’t ignite fast enough to start burning the gas. This results in the gas getting collected and when the burner finally ignites, it would create booming sound.

These are just two of the sounds that could be easily heard. At different times, there would be some other noises that the AC makes while turning on or using the furnace. It is highly necessary that if that sound is something that you are hearing for the first time, and then you get a heating repair tech out to check the unit. These two sounds could be easily avoided by getting the furnace serviced before the winter season. Some of the AC repair shops would give winter offer wherein you can get the service done for cheap. Furnace and heat pump are expensive equipment, proper care and timely service could save you from that.