
HVAC Repair Tips

ac tune up

There are plenty of benefits that come with regular AC tune-up. The obvious one is that you have peace of mind as you know that your unit is in top working condition.

A properly maintained unit also tends to save you money as it functions optimally. Just like your car, a properly maintained unit tends to have a long life.

If you have the skills, you can go ahead and tune up your appliance, but if you have never done it before, hire an AC professional to help you out.

How to tune up your appliance

You need to do a number of things for you to keep your unit in top shape. One of the things you should do is to clean the coils in the unit. Dirty coils are not only unsightly, they also reduce the ability of your air conditioner to cool your house.

The coils come in handy in the evaporation and condensation process. When they are dirty, the air conditioner works harder than it should which increases your monthly energy bill. The unit also tends to have a reduced lifespan. When you clean them, you ensure that their conductive properties aren’t obstructed.

If you have a central air conditioner, you should check the refrigerant levels. To do it you only need to use an easy to see gauge. If the levels are low, you should add more refrigerant. You should ensure that the coolant is enough.

Too much or too little of it dramatically reduces the efficiency of the air conditioner. It also makes the unit work harder thus have a short lifespan. Adding the refrigerant is easy and doesn’t require you to hire an AC contractor to help you out.

You should also pay attention to the air filters. Dirty air filters not only make the air in the house stale, they also reduce the working of the air conditioner. For you to keep your unit in top condition all the time, you should clean the air filters at least once a month. If the filters are too damaged, consider replacing them.

Finally, you should check the air conditioner airflow components. You should clean the air vents and also remove the cover to see if you can locate any large debris that might have accumulated there. If there is, get rid of it as soon as possible. If your unit uses vents, ask an HVAC company to help you in inspecting them.