
HVAC Repair Tips

Regardless of how well you maintain your furnace, it will develop problems every now and then. Tell-tale signs of an improperly functioning furnace include: decreased efficiency, high energy bills, and weird noises.

For your home to continue functioning optimally you need to fix the unit as soon as possible. You can do the work by yourself if you have the skills or hire a furnace repair professional to help you out.

What you should do before you hire the repair experts

Before you rush to hire a repair professional, you should try fixing the unit by yourself. Some of the things that you should do include:

Check the air filters: While they might seem simple, dirty or damaged air filters can cause all sorts of issues such as: decreased efficiency, high energy bills, restricted airflow and many others.

Before you hire the professional, take time to give attention to the air filters. Are they dirty? Are they damaged? If they are dirty, you only need to clean them. Sometimes you will have to replace them.

You should look the filter up to a light source and see if the light is coming through it. If it is, the filter is most likely too damaged and its time that you think about getting a new one.

When buying a new filter, you should get a high-quality one that will not only absorb as much dirt as possible, it also should be able to last for a long time. You don’t want a unit that will last for just a short time thus costing you more money to keep on replacing it.

Check the thermostat: Did you know that wrong thermostat settings can cause issues with the furnace? Before you dial a heating service provider, double check the programmable thermostat and ensure that it’s properly set at the temperature that you want.

Sometimes it might be improperly set and you go around thinking that your furnace is the problematic one. Is it properly set? If not, reset it.

The thermostat battery might also be drained. If this is the case, you should replace it with a new one.

In some cases, the thermostat might be too old and it’s pointless to keep on resetting it as it will continue developing issues. In such a scenario, you should simply replace it.

Open up the air vents: The final thing you should do is to give a look at the air vents. Are they open? If they aren’t, you should go ahead and open them.

Hiring a furnace expert

If you have tried getting rid of the furnace issues without success, you should go ahead and hire an expert. Just like when hiring any other professional, you shouldn’t hire just anyone—you should take your time and interview a number of professionals and go with the best one.

Some people hire the first company that pops up in the search results. Don’t do this as in most cases, the company is not often the best. The best way of going about it is finding a few good companies and interviewing them.

During the interview, get to know how long the company has been in operation, the number of people it has served, any other details that will help you in knowing more about the company.

When the company gives you details of the people it has worked with before, you should contact them and ask them about their experience with the company. Only work with a company that has had great experiences with the people.

What should you expect when you hire a furnace professional?

After settling on the right professional, you should have a number of expectations. Before the professional can begin the work, he/she should inspect the furnace to understand it better. It’s only after inspecting the unit that he/she should go ahead and fix the problematic areas.

In addition to fixing the issues that the unit might be having, the heating service repair Falls Church professional should also lubricate the moving parts to reduce the friction between the operating parts.

The professional should also evaluate the pilot and gas pressure. If they are improperly set up, the expert should fix it up.