
HVAC Repair Tips

heat pump repair

According to heat pump repair professionals, the heat pump, just like any other appliance you might be having in your home, it gives you signs that it’s at the blink of failing. Here are some of the signs that you should look out for:

Heat pump icing up in winter

A little bit of ice during winter is common as the heat pump will shift periodically into defrost mode in order to melt the ice. While this is the case, it would be dangerous to have a thick coating of ice coating the coils or the entire unit.

When you have a thick coat of ice, the heat pump will most likely shut down to protect itself from getting damaged. Since the machine won’t defrost the ice, the ice can easily harm the fins, fan blades, and compressor.

When heavy ice forms, it means that the defrost mechanism isn’t working as well as its supposed to. The mechanism can fail due to many reasons. This often comes about due to faulty sensors, relays, or controls.

The problem is also likely to come about when you are having issues with the reverse valve that switches the heat pump from heating mode to AC mode. You are also likely to have this problem when the refrigerant levels are low or you are having problems with the outdoor fan motor.

When your unit isn’t defrosting, you should turn it off and contact a repair professional to help you with fixing it.

Icing up of the unit during summer

Summer is warm and the last thing that should happen to your unit is icing up. This means that when your heat pump is icing up in summer, you have a problem that you should address as soon as possible.

Appliance repair experts observe that icing up of the appliance during summer is a sign of a problem with the heat pump, and not the defrost mechanism. In most cases, you will have this issue when the refrigerant is leaking, you are having a clogged air filter, or the coils are dirty.

Running the unit when its icy puts it at the risk of getting damaged beyond repair; therefore, you should switch it off and ask an experienced professional to help you with fixing it.

Blower has stopped working

When the blower stops working, it means that the limit switch needs some adjustment. The limit switch is located below the plenum. This is a part of the heat pump that directs heated air to all the ducts.

When the air in the plenum gets too hot, the limit switch shuts off the system. For you to turn on the blower you need to access the limit switch and turn it on.

You might come across a scenario where the motor is working, but the blower isn’t. In such a case, the belt connecting the blower and motor might be broken. If you have the skills you should fix it, but if you have never done it, hire a professional to help you out.

The heat pump is noisy

Weird noises mean your heating system is having issues; therefore, when your heat pump is making abnormal noises, you have a problem in your hands. Many homeowners tend to ignore the noises as they often don’t lead to the halting of the appliance.

As a responsible homeowner, you should never ignore the problems. If you are having rattling, screeching, grinding, buzzing, squealing, or humming noises, you should turn off the appliance and ask a professional to give it a look.

Noises in the heat pump mean that the unit has a broken belt, loose parts, or even a bent blower blade. For you to keep your appliance in top condition, you should switch off the unit and find the sources of the noise.

Your utility bills have shot up

If you haven’t bought a new appliance and your bills have gone up, your heat pump might be functioning inefficiently. When is the last time you serviced your unit? If you have gone more than a year, you should hire a heat pump repair service McLean professional to inspect the unit, clean it, and fix any problematic areas that might be there.