
HVAC Repair Tips

According to heat pump repair services providers, the heat pump, just like any other heating appliance develops a gamut of problems you need to fix for it to continue functioning optimally and save you money. These problems include:

Failure of the heat pump to turn on

The heat pump will fail to turn on due to plenty of reasons. The first one is due to problems with the thermostat or the unit receiving power. The heat pump will also fail to start if the circuit breaker has tripped or you have issues with the start capacitor.

To diagnose the problem, check the main electrical panel and other subpanels supplying power to the appliance. If the circuit breaker has tripped, raise it so that power can start getting into the appliance.

You also should check for frayed wires around the unit. Unless you are an electrician, don’t try to fix electrical problems.

The start capacitor transmits an electric charge that starts the motor. When it’s faulty, the appliance won’t start. Test the capacitor by listening to the heat pump’s cabinet.

When you hear a clicking noise, it’s a clear sign you need to replace the capacitor. Head to the nearest store and replace it.

Weird noises

To many homeowners, the heat pump is one of the noisiest appliances they own. It’s normal for the heat pump to make humming sounds, but if you notice flapping, rattling, screeching, or bubbling noises, you have a problem you need to fix as soon as possible.

The rattling and flapping sounds may be due to a loose fan belt while the screeching sounds may be coming from a poorly lubricated air fan motor. Bubbling sounds are common when you have a refrigerant leak.

When your appliance is making weird noises, contact a heat pump technician to inspect and fix it.

Sudden heat loss

If you have had your appliance for a long time, you must have come across a situation where the heat pump suddenly stops working. Sometimes this is due to poor adjustment of the thermostat, and all you need to do is to adjust the thermostat appropriately.

The problem might also be due to using the wrong thermostat. If you recently installed a thermostat, you might have installed the wrong type. In such a situation, you need to replace it. The new unit might also be improperly wired hence frying the electronic components.

When having the problem contact a heat pump professional to inspect the cause of the problem and fix it.

Failure of the heat pump to produce enough heat

Is your heat pump running but not warming the house sufficiently? The problem might be due to dirty air filters. Dirty filters, fans, and coils reduce airflow through the system.

Reduced airflow decreases the performance of the heat pump and at the same time puts the compressor at the risk of getting damaged.

To fix the problem, inspect the filter and clean it if dirty. If the filter is damaged or too dirty, replace it. You don’t need to hire a professional to help you with replacing the filter—you can do it by yourself.

To prevent the problem from coming about in the future, regularly clean the unit. Pay attention to the outdoor coils, outdoor unit, supply, and return registers, and the other parts.

Other than dirty air filters, other factors that can lead to the heat pump producing insufficient heat include: faulty valves, blocked air ducts, and inadequate refrigerant flow. These problems require you to hire a heating system technician to diagnose and fix them.

Incorrect cycling

The heat pump is said to be cycling when it turns on and off too often. This problem comes about when the unit has clogged air filters or a malfunctioning blower. If the problem is due to clogged air filters, all you need to do is to clean the filters or replace them.

On the other hand, if it’s due to a malfunctioning blower, ask an experienced heat pump repair Arlington VA technician to inspect it and fix the source of the problem.

This problem can also come about due to thermostat problems. Adjusting the thermostat or replacing the batteries should get rid of the problem, but if the issue doesn’t go away, ask an HVAC technician to give it a look.