
HVAC Repair Tips

If you have a furnace, you need to undertake regular furnace tune-up to keep the unit in top shape. Here you need to hire a heating systems tune up the professional to help you with the work.

While many homeowners know that they need to tune up their appliances, many of them don’t which results in many problems. If you are one of these homeowners, here are signs that it’s time to tune up your appliance:

Furnace is producing a strong smell

If you notice a strong rotten egg smell or unburnt gas in your home, the chances are that it’s coming from the furnace. Your furnace might be having a leak that you should fix within the shortest time possible.

The burning smell is usually a sign of a burnt out motor or overheating. When you notice the problem, you should contact a professional to help you in getting rid of it.

Carbon monoxide smell

Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas, and when you notice it, you should fix it immediately. The gas comes about due to incomplete combustion. If you have a gas furnace in your home, you should install carbon monoxide detectors.

When the detector goes off, shut off the gas appliances, open the windows, and call a professional gas furnace technician to inspect the unit and fix the leak.

Failure of the unit to produce heat

The purpose of the furnace is to produce heat; therefore, when it doesn’t, it means that it has a problem. If it isn’t working, check the circuit breaker and the on/off service switch. You also should inspect the batteries and ensure that they are working properly.

If you are unable to fix the issue on your own, ask a heating contractor to help you out.

High energy bill

If you have had your furnace for a long time, you know that when the bill increases, it means that the heating furnace is working inefficiently. You should ask the heating company to help you with the inspection and identify the faulty areas that might be causing the inefficiency.


These are some of the signs that you should look out for to tell that it’s time to tune up your heating unit. If you have tried to tune it up and still there are no improvements in its working, consider working with heating unit replacement professionals to help you in choosing and installing a new appliance.