
HVAC Repair Tips


Are you dissatisfied with the workings of your air conditioner and wondering how can I make my air conditioner cool better? According to air conditioner repair services providers, there are plenty of ways to do it with the common ones being:

Clean the air conditioner

Every air conditioner has an air filter that works like the one in a laundry dryer. The air filter collects dust particles and pollutants absorbed during the cooling process. When you don’t clean it regularly enough, it clogs up with debris and dust which prevent it from working efficiently.

So, for your air conditioner to function efficiently, you should clean the air filter. Thankfully, most air conditioners have similar air filters and to clean them you need to locate them and gently remove them from their location.

If the filter is dusty, grimy, or off-colored, give it a quick scrub but if too dirty or damaged, replace it with a cleaner and higher quality filter.

Change the location of the air conditioner

Did you know the location of the air conditioner has a serious impact on how the air conditioner works and cools the house?

If you visit many homes, you will find air conditioners in the living room. Others will place it in the room receiving the most sunlight. This is wrong.

You should be cautious of where you have your AC. Is it in the hottest room in the house? While it might seem sensible to situate it here, it often leads to a horrible experience as the air conditioner tends to work too hard and doesn’t equally distribute the cool air around the house.

So, to get the air conditioner to function efficiently for a long time, locate it in the less hot rooms in the house.

You also should get the air conditioner from behind the plants, furniture, and other indoor obstructions as they impede the proper workings of the appliance due to poor ventilation.

For your air conditioner to cool the house better, locate it in areas of the house receiving moderate amounts of sunlight and heat. The room should be decorated and designed to accommodate the unit and it should have ceiling fans to make the AC’s work easier.

Keep the curtains closed

During the day, opening the curtains allows the sunlight in which reduces your lighting costs. Unfortunately, the sunlight increases the temperature inside the house and this makes the air conditioner run longer and inefficiently.

To prevent this from happening, keep the curtains closed to prevent the sun’s direct rays from entering your home hence reducing the amount of work the air conditioner has to do to keep the house cool.

If you want fresh air to get into the house but don’t want to turn your house into a greenhouse, open the blinds, drapes, and curtains in the evening after the sun has set. This will allow the fresh air in and the heated air will escape through the windows.

Use the right air conditioner refrigerant

The refrigerant is located inside the copper coils and they absorb heat from indoor air and with the help of the AC compressor, it transforms the heat from low-pressure gas into a high-pressure liquid.

The AC fans blow the hot air absorbed by the refrigerant coils outside and at the same time blow the cold air created by the coils inside. This is what is known as the air conditioning cycle.

For the air conditioning cycle to be effective and fast, you should ensure that the AC has enough refrigerant and the refrigerant used is the right one.

There are plenty of refrigerants in the market you can use: R-410A, R-134a, and R-407C.

While all of them are environmentally friendly, be cautious and ensure you are using the right one for your appliance. For example, if you recently installed an AC, you are better off starting with an R-410A, but if you have an older appliance, use R-407C. The R-134a is best suited for cars and larger vehicles.

If you aren’t sure about the right refrigerant you should go for, get the input of AC repair services Vienna VA professional