
HVAC Repair Tips


The hurricane season comes and goes each year between May and November. When you live in Florida, you should be well-adjusted in dealing with hurricanes and heavy storms, which means it is a no-brainer in terms of preparation. In order to save the pockets, here are tips about how you can prepare for this.

You are going to learn more about how to prepare your HVAC to avoid hiring heating service repair too early. The tips you will find here are very useful. Read on right now.

Have it Inspected

It is important to have your HVAC is fully inspected when you know that it is stormy weather season. Even if you never used the services or bought HVAC units, you need to make sure that it is checked and inspected in the chance that there is current damage needing inspection. Does it work properly? Is the energy being spent maximized? The inspection gives you the answers you must see if your system can deal with the rising temperatures of summer or stormy weather.

Prepare in Case There is an Outage

When there is bad weather, it is common for the powerlines to become damaged, and outages commonly occur. In case there is a possibility of a power cut, you need to make sure that the temperature of your home is right. Before the storm, your home should be cooled to a comfortable level, and you need to consider turning it off while the winds pick up and the rain starts pouring. In case of an electrical surge because of lightning, it is a lot safer for it to become inactive.

Surge Protector

Lightning in a storm is devastating for HVAC units or electronic gadgets. You should talk to your local power company if you need options. Since these have unexpected strength, you need to suspect that any surge could be what knocks out circuits. After installing the surge protector, it will take a hit, so your AC will not. You must protect what you invested in and your convenience as you install a surge protector.

Shield the Door Equipment

When there is a howling wind, and the rain swirls, it is common for the furniture and equipment to get thrown anywhere. Therefore, you need to make sure you are securing anything that is not fixed or try to find spaces for chairs, tables, or umbrellas in a shed or garage. The flying objects can be damaging to the AC unit. It is also a great idea to use a tarpaulin sheet as a cover to keep items you cannot secure from harming the system. You cannot really do anything about items or tree branches that fly over your fence that comes from other people’s backyard, but putting a barrier can protect your unit.

Secure the Unit

Another thing you can do is to secure the external units. If there is an AC outside, check on it before the storm. Make sure that all the nuts and bolts are tightly secured and that the unit is kept in its place using supportive straps. If there are loose straps, and the unit is not secure, powerful winds can lift it. If it is at a low level, move it higher.

The HVAC companies Falls Church are there anytime you need to have your unit checked, inspected, or repaired before the storm.