
HVAC Repair Tips

Is this the first time you are installing an air conditioner in your home? There are plenty of things you should know about it. Here are some of these things as given by HVAC contractors:

You should know how to change the air filters

During the cooling season, you should replace the air filters at least once every month. The role of the filters is to get rid of dust from the air getting into the house. Dirty air filters prevent enough air from getting into the house and into the air conditioner.

As a result, the air conditioner works much harder than it should. The end result? It ends up consuming a lot of energy.

You can clean the air filter and return it to the air conditioner but if the unit is too damaged or too dirty, you have to way out other than to replace it. When buying new air filters pay attention to the minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV). The rating ranges from 1-12 and the higher it is, the more efficient the unit is.

Seal the leaks

Ducts can lose up to 30% of airflow through leaks which translates to a high energy bill at the end of the month. Leakages are often common in window air conditioners that are tough to seal.

For you to increase the efficiency of your unit you should find any leaks that might be present and seal them. One of the most effective methods of finding them is the smoke trick.

Here you need to light a stick of incense and hold it where the window frame and the air conditioner meet. Are you using a central air conditioner? Hold the stick near duct connections.

When the smoke blows around, you definitely have a leakage that you should address. To seal the ductwork, use foil tape. Use the tape for the small gaps, then duct mastic for the larger ones.

If you have a window air conditioner, you should stuff foam between the window frame and air conditioner and you will seal the leaks that might be there. Does the unit need any taping? Go ahead and do it.

Make use of a programmable thermostat

A programmable thermostat allows you to control the air conditioner even when you aren’t in the house. When you are out of the house, you can set the unit to function at higher temperatures which sees you spending less to cool the house.

There are many types of programmable thermostats in the market that you can go for. When making the purchase, buy one that is compatible with your air conditioner. This calls for you to pay attention to the model number and size when making the purchase.

You need to insulate the ducts

Ducts are where the air passes through. In addition to ensuring that they don’t have holes that allow leaking, you also should ensure that they are well insulated. The purpose of doing this is to increase the efficiency levels of your air conditioner.

You can use spray foam, rigid-foam, or batt insulation. It’s up to you to choose the one that is ideal for your application. For you to ensure that the insulation is done properly, work with an experienced and certified AC expert.

Keep the compressor and condenser away from obstructions

The compressor and condenser are located outside the house, often close to the house foundation. For you to prevent the air conditioner from working too hard, ensure that these units are at least 24 inches from any materials that might obstruct them.

This calls for you to get rid of any tall grass, hanging branches, shrubs, and leaves near the unit.

During the installation of the units, install the condensers or window units on the north or east side of the house. You can also consider putting together a screen to shield the units from the sun. Air conditioning companiesMcLean observe that installing them in areas where they are too exposed to the sun, reduces their efficiency by as much as 10%.

Protect the air conditioner from working too hard

Do you want your air conditioner to last for a long time? You should protect it from working too hard. You can do this by covering it and keeping it clean all the time.