
HVAC Repair Tips

hvac contractors

If this is the first time you are installing the air conditioner, or you have just had it for a short time, you must have heard some things about it. Some of the things might be true, and others outright lie. To help you out, here are some of the most common air conditioner myths you should be aware of:

An air conditioner will give you a cold

Some people believe that by leaving the unit on for a long time and allowing the temperature to drop too low, they will get cold. HVAC contractors observe that this isn’t the case. Even if you aren’t a medical professional, you know that a cold is brought about by a virus. While the low temperatures might worsen the cold symptoms, they don’t bring about the condition. So, is it too hot inside the house? Turn the air conditioner on. You won’t catch a cold.

Turning the thermostat down will cool the house faster

This is a common mistake made by many first-time air conditioner owners. They believe that when they get in a house and the temperatures are too high, they need to lower the thermostat settings and the temperature will drop instantly. This isn’t the case.

According to AC contractors, when you set the thermostat settings too low, you make the air conditioner work harder than it should. This not only results to it consuming more power, but it also puts the unit at the risk of failing. To be on the safe side, you should set the thermostat to your desired temperature and the unit will work on its own.

You should install a bigger air conditioner

It’s common to find the air conditioner not working as efficiently as it used to. When this happens, some people interpret that it’s because they installed a smaller AC and need to install a larger one. Unless you have expanded the room, you don’t have to. For the unit to continue working as efficiently as it used to, you need to undertake AC tune-up.

This is where you hire a reputable professional to inspect the unit and fix any issues it might be having. For optimal functioning of the unit, hire the professional at least once every year.


These are some of the most common air conditioner myths you should be aware of. To keep your unit in top shape, undertake regular air conditioning maintenance.