
HVAC Repair Tips


At night, you are all covered up and don’t need a lot of heat. To save energy that the heat pump is consuming at this time, there is an ongoing debate about what you should do with the heat pump.

Should I turn down my heat pump at night? You will hear most homeowners asking. Heat pump repair services providers recommend you avoid switching off your heat pump at night, as it will consume a lot of energy when it comes on again.

So to answer your question, yes, you should turn down your heat pump at night. To have an easier time, invest in a programmable thermostat that allows you to choose your desired temperature at different times of the day. Of course, you should select a lower temperature at night or when you aren’t in the house.

Other ways to run the heat pump efficiently

Buy the right heat pump

Everything begins here as there is no way your heat pump will function efficiently if it’s the wrong one. When buying the heat pump, pay attention to two things: energy star rating and size.

Energy star rating: Studies show that energy star qualified heat pumps consume up to 30% less energy than non-qualified models, so these are the ones to go for. While these units are a little expensive, the extra cost is worth it as the unit pays for itself in the long run.

Size: When it comes to size, you want a unit that is the right size based on the size of the house you are looking to warm and its insulation. If the heat pump is too small, it consumes too much energy as it struggles to warm up the large house.

On the other hand, if it’s too big, its runs less efficiently as you have to keep switching it on and off to prevent it from overheating.

To buy the right unit, you may need to involve an experienced professional to help you out.

Properly position the heat pump.

After buying the right heat pump for your home, the next thing you should do to ensure that it functions efficiently is to position it correctly.

When it comes to the outdoor unit, set it to receive good airflow, enough winter sun, and little frost. Protect it from elements that might bring about corrosion, such as sea spray, as a rule of thumb.

Don’t place the outdoor unit on the south-facing walls as they aren’t ideal for the unit. Also, avoid positioning it under the decking and other areas where the air isn’t circulating freely.

Most heat pumps are noisy, so be cautious of locating yours near windows or anywhere you can easily hear it.

When placing the unit indoors, you should note that heat pumps are of three main types: ceiling cassettes, high walls, and floor-mounted consoles.

The floor mounts are ideal when you are undertaking quick heating, but you will need to have a floor space that can’t be blocked by furniture.

The ceiling cassette, where the indoor unit is mounted into the ceiling, is an excellent option when you don’t have floor space.

Finally, the high walls are an excellent option when you don’t want to make it evident that you have installed something.

Take good care of the heat pumps.

Even if you have bought the best heat pumps and located them at the best places, there is no way you will get the most from them if you don’t take good care of them.

Like heat pumps and other heating appliances, you should tune them up at least once a year. You can do the tune-up by yourself or hire a professional heat pump repair McLean professional to help out.

You also should make it a habit to clean the air filters at least once every few months. Again, you can do the work or hire professionals to help.

Avoid the “auto” mode.

You should avoid switching off the heat pump the same way you should avoid setting it to “Auto” mode, as it will misbehave. The right thing to do is to set the unit to your desired settings manually.