
HVAC Repair Tips

air conditioning companies

While almost every homeowner has an air conditioning unit, most of them don’t know how to use them properly. This results to the unit developing problems every now and then. To help you out, here are tips given by air conditioning companies on how to properly run your air conditioner:

Keep your air conditioner clean

This is an obvious one. Dirty vents and filters prevent the air and cooling elements from running as effectively as they should. As a result, the air conditioner consumes more energy than it should. Regardless of whether you have a window or central air conditioner, you should keep the outdoor elements clean all the time.

You also should ensure that the air vents are dust-free and aren’t blocked by furniture or window coverings. While at it, pay attention to the air filters. Inspect them at least once a month. Are they dirty? Clean them. You should note that in some cases you may have to replace them.

Run the air conditioner less at night

At night you don’t need a lot of cooling; therefore, you will be wasting a lot of money by keeping the unit running like it does during the day. Take advantage of the fact that the air is much cooler during the night and reduce the working of the air conditioner.

Is the night cold? You can get away with turning the air conditioner off. By doing this you not only extend the life of your unit as it works less time, you also save energy thus your power bill is low.

Keep lamps, lights and other electronics away from the thermostat

The thermostat determines the temperature at which the air conditioner operates. When you place lamps, lights, and electronics near the air conditioner, you give the thermostat the impression that it’s hot thus it signals the air conditioner to work harder so as to cool the house.

As you might have guessed, this results in a high energy bill at the end of the month. When you move the heat-creating devices away from the thermostat, you ensure that the unit is detecting the right room temperature thus reducing the times at which the air conditioner kicks on. As a result, you have a lower monthly bill.

Undertake regular inspection of the air conditioner

The number one rule of unit maintenance is to undertake regular service of the unit. Here you need to hire an air conditioner repair professional at least once a year to inspect your unit and fix any issues that might be there. During the inspection, the professional is able to identify even the most minor issues which prevent your unit from grinding to halt in the future.

When you don’t take good care of your unit you are always worried that the unit will grind to halt in the middle of the night. This not only puts you and your family at the risk of suffering from excessive heat especially when the night is hot, you also have to hire an expensive AC expert which will see you spending a lot of money.

As mentioned above, you should make a habit of hiring a repair professional once a year. As rule of thumb, ensure the professional highly experienced. He/she should also be certified to work in your local area.

Make use of the fans

Many people rarely use fans as they feel that the fans don’t reduce the temperature of the house. You should note that while they don’t, they usually increase air flow thus keeping the house cooler. When you get in the house in a warm afternoon, don’t crank the air conditioner.

You should instead switch on the fans. If you need the services of the air conditioner, put it on, but turn it down by one or two degrees. By doing this you avoid creating temperature extremes in your house which might be costly and uncomfortable.

Use window or portable air conditioners

According to HVAC contractors Fairfax, window or portable air conditioners are more energy efficient thus you need little energy to keep them running. The units are also small and you can easily move them to the specific room or area you want to cool.  For you to get the most from the units ensure that they are properly maintained thus in top condition.